Monday, July 11, 2011

Fighting natural elements

Dear non running world,

After two weeks without a post, I know you might be tempted to think that my training has suffered from the equivalent treatment! well, not quite....

The last two weeks have marked the official beginning of my training. I have started to track km completed, average speed, etc. The first weeks I was having a lot of trouble getting into the regularity of running. I cannot believe I let myself start so late with this routine. No more excuses if I want to complete this marathon in some type of form!

Week 1: 28.6km completed. Objective in training was 45km, so clearly under target. Three running days out of 7. Average pace was probably around 5-6min/km

Week 2; 29.5km completed. Objective was 48km, so still way below objective. Three running days only out of 7. Average pace was closer to 6-7min/km due to the long run on saturday.

Week 2 saw the first ALONE speed training. Truly hard as I am one lazy bum! But as the week wore I, I got more and more tired, without being able to rest completely. The saturday long race, starting at 4pm, without sufficient hydration or rest was painful from the get go. Right from the start pace was closer to 6min/km, often onto 7min/km. Getting lost along the route, going up and down hill did not help overall.

Objective for this week 3: get out AT LEAST 4 days of the week and start including cross training: yoga, bike, whatever!!!! Speed workout will not be skipped. Friends have shared some fun tips I will try to apply. Lower back pains have started. Some intense abs are needed. Tonight I have a hot date with the foam roll to help reduce pain in the IT band.

Key learning: NEVER skip stretching, especially after a long run. I could almost not walk on sunday due to some pains in my hips - stupid me I had not stretched after the saturday run.

That's all for now - no races coming up, but so many weekends, it will be important to keep on schedule! REST REST REST this week!!!

Happy running to all :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Training the beginning

Dear world,

Latest update on running...and training for NYC marathon Nov 6th

Massive work constraints last week, so practice was replaced by walking to work one day (45min walk) and then a short run (4km).

I had signed up for the foulees axa sunday am, for 14.6km, so I was a bit anxious doing a decent time after close to no running the week leading up to that event. I even drank, over-ate and barely hydrated before the race.

I do need to find running partners and seriously train. I needed to push hard after 10km. The first part of the race I aimed for a young woman in front of me. Once I passed her, around 8-9km, I hit my "mini wall". Matters were not made better by the fact that groups seemed to either be ahead or behind me, so no one running around me. Once I hit 10km, I found another man to aim for. A little further, another man I aimed for "GI Jesus" t-shirt. The race was within the forest and it was perfect to keep cool. A bit of mud, but nothing too hard to manage. We crossed a couple hills, but after Verviers, nothing that couldn't be conquered!
Once we hit 13km, I pushed even harder...not sure where that energy, that rage to finish came from...I passed my second man target and then the first...and started my slow sprint to the finish line, UPHILL! (I seriously wonder what these people think when they place finish lines at the top of a hill!). One woman that had passed me saw me pulling a sprint together...without a challenge she sprinted to the finish line with me.

This race obliges you to stop once you cross the finish line to take note of your time. So I guess my time could be even shorter...The lady passed one split second before me, but nonethelesss my official time is right before her.

Yesterday's race of 14.6km, i finished in 1:24:24. Very very happy with this time given the above challenges...

More to come
Happy Running!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

NYC Marathon here I come

Dear world,

It's been a while...a really LONG while! But it's that time again - Marathon training :)

Surely you dear followers wonder what happened of me after this promise to transform this blog into a sort of cultural blog. Well, in a nutshell, life was hard and didn't really want to relate all those "happy" feelings.

But that is now the past - again marathon training period has started!

Two races to kick off the season - the worldwide (or at least the Belgium think it's worldwide) famous Brussels 20km.
Now let me know take a step back here. Unfortunately, I forgot to relate my very first European race - the infamous Brussels half marathon. After training from Europe to the US (I was on vacay, again, poor me in the US), I showed to this race. I guess I should have set my expectations lowers. I guess I should have prepared myself to the idea that a European race would be cheered like a European cheers - internally, calmly, on the side lines...What I did NOT count was a well timed boy drama (sorry, won't be getting into THAT here!!).
Net-Net: the race was hard as well: close to no cheering and they had us go through F***** tunnels, WTF? No cheering for sure in those things and that dead sound of just feets running away. There is something glorious, even celestial to run over a bridge. Under a tunnel, not so much...But thinking about that boy drama, really pushed me in the first 10km. I can almost remember exactly where I was on the course, when I looked at my Garmin and the stats didn't lie. If I held on to that rythm, I was going to be beating my PR.
PRs don't come when you want them. They don't come when you've done it all by the books: the training, the long runs, the eating right, the sleeping enough.
Well, I was going to make my PR - it was there. In easy grasp. I must say maybe the boy drama continued to play a role, but it was mostly that fearless raging determination that kicked in. Once that comes into play, there is really nothing that will make it move.
Despite the cobblestones at the finish line (seriously guys, WTF!!!!!), I did hit my PR. Boy was I happy - and yes, I did talk to random strangers to tell them about it :)

After this Brussels half marathon, where not one person yelled my name (I was totally wearing my singlet!) - I could of even done with a European mild shout - and despite all the good press on the Brussels 20km, I went in thinking it would be a terrible experience.
I probably held onto that too much. I also probably didn't focus on running enough - not training as often, definitely for not long enough periods of time. Drinking until 2 nights prior. And mostly, no fearless raging determination (and no boy drama either). No drive at all. I did promise myself that if I met my goal (run 20km under 2hours), I would take it easy on training for the marathon the first couple of weeks. If not, no excuses, no BS, no nothing. Pure simple-as-in-the-books training.
My little brother came to cheer me and I must say that helped immensely, but again I wasn't with it. Temperatures were high - some 30C. I was dehydrated...Also, who seriously starts a race at 3PM!!!! I was high on endorphins unil 2am that night :)
I crossed the finish line at 2:02. Three miserable minutes under my objective.

So here I am 2 weeks later. Ready to seriously kick start the marathon training season. It will start tomorrow at 6am for a smooth 4-5km run.

Stay tuned - November 6th NYC baby

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hi blog universe,

So for those that followed, I moved to the waffle and chocolate world. I arrived safely Sunday am. I went straight to the hotel. After getting my room organized...which took quite a while given I had taken 3 HUGE suitcases with me! In my roomie's words, as soon as I had "this room is a wreck" sign, then I was at home :)I wanted to make sure my first morning was as smooth as possible!

Well, the stars were NOT aligned for this all to happen! Once I was settled my throat started to scratch a little bit. But I was so happy to be here, I rushed out to have lunch and get myself started - it was sunny out - why stay inside? well, because it was WINDY and about 15C Less than in NYC! It took me 1h30 to eat, but by the time I came back the harm was done. I stayed curled up in my covers all afternoon, certain the flu was imminent. Alas, so much for a smooth first day!!!

Because I have seen this type of "i am so run down, that i get the flu" sickness, I knew all I needed was warmth, hydration and some rest. I hence wanted to stay in to eat (that and I really look like shit when I am sick...). I called the front desk in the hopes I could order room service. But I was met with a "I cannot believe you don't know this but we are in August (hum, so far yes Madame, I am aware we are in august) and that we have summer hours (yes, so? doesn't feel like 15C should warrant to be called summer, but go on), hence the restaurant bar is closed (ah. now that's different! Yikes!)". This hotel being used to some (stress on some) level of service, they propose to help me order in. At this point, i just want a warm soup, take my sleeping pill and be gone until 7am comes around (the hopes of going to the gym to work out my stress are loooonnnng gone!). I am told we can order from the Chinese place and it's easy. Halleluyah! I go back to searching for apartments and come down at 6pm.

At this point my cold is in full swing and I can barely talk very loudly, and if I do try i start caughinh uncontrollably...Well, this "easy" process is not that easy, because it took us 25min to confirm that the first restaurant was indeed the best one to order from this others were either closed or required 50Euro minimum/we pay for the cab for the food to come over/only small pigeons make the trip....

So back to the first option - minimum of 25Euros and to my surprise it takes them 45min to deliver! Well, that was without counting on the rain that started pouring as soon as I reached my room - with that there was NO WAY I was going outside!!! The food actually arrived about an hour and fifteen minutes after my order. The delivery man looked at me like a crazy person when I asked to confirm the silverware was included. Receptionist promised to send some up t me ASAP. ASAP in Brussels means 20 minutes later! Thank god I had bought some plastic ones at the supermarket earlier that day - otherwise EVERYTHING would have been cold - way to stay warm!!!

Bottom line - Brussels and delivery - NOT a match made in heaven. I guess it's just not the same society where service is king, and the customer seeking it God.

And that's all I will report today - tomorrow I will recap my first day at work or how I didn't have anything :(


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back in the game

Dear blog followers,

No no no, I won’t be boring you with Marathon training Tamper, body fluids, muscle pains and other running issues…

In place, I transform this “watch Emily run” the NYC marathon into, “watch Emily run away from NYC to Brussels” or how a franco-american initially very French became really very American and is moving back to the old continent

If you wish to have a view of what that crazy continent is about…do read on…

And well, it would be kinda boring if I just talked about the EUROs…and since I am now officially a runner, there will also be updates about my latest runs in Europe/Asia/wherever

So dear readers, dear crazy online team, dear wide universe of usually oh so “banale” opinions – here I am again J

In a quick nutshell – what has been going on since my last past couple of months:
- I traveled a bunch in November – not really really planned, my French grand mother passed – I guess the decision to go back to Europe was re-inforced
- I ran a couple fun half marathons –
o The February half was the beginning of new health issues – what appeared to be known as Runner’s knees!
o the Moor half drenched from top to bottom the ENTIRE time. Thank god for Heather J
o the Queens half was really hot (40C), and not trained for – painful but oh so good to be back in my running shoes with amazing TFK ladies
- I started enjoying Friday nights again…and a bunch of other nights too!
- I started my “let’s move back to Brussels process” – but more on that later!

This will be all for now – goodnight dear blogosphere

Monday, November 9, 2009

What running has done to me

Hi everyone,

Some of you have read my last blog and emailed/called me about it. It was written on a tuesday am at like 6AM. I was awake and figured I would use that extra time to tell me donators, friends, family and colleagues the full marathon experiece.

I am sure there are details that are missing, but I think you got the picture!

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has supported me throughout this experience. the friends that have put up with my constant marathon talking, the friends that have stayed there even though I demanded to meet at home vs. going out on the town, the family and friends that donated their money for a great cause, the colleagues that checked up on me after every single long run and came by to congratulate me after the race, my mom and my dad for making the trip and putting up with my frenetic pre-race stress, my very close friends for being there in my heart and on the side lines for the 26.2miles....all of's been great! and thank you so very very much :-)

I see now more than ever how great running is and how great it has been to run this marathon with team for kids.

I have become so much more mellow. Yesterday something "bad" happened. Two days ago too. the only difference in my reaction was if I had gone running recently or not. Two days ago, i was on my 5th day without running and I snapped and got cranky and did not let go. Yesterday, the problem just flew right over me. I let it go and focused on more positive things. I cannot even start to explain how important that is for my wellbeing!!!

It's not that I don't care about things anymore, I am just as passionate, but those things that bothered me and stayed with me now seem to fly over top of me.

For that reason, i will keep on running.

In regards to the marathon and my time.

I read a book this summer on running. the only one I was really allowed to read, because it seems that otherwise I was becoming obsessive (thanks to those friends that are close enough that they feel they can tell me that, i needed to hear it!!). The author said, running a marathon is not a competition vs. the other runners. i am guessing that for the athletes, it is. In my little under 5hour world, it's not about the others. It's selfishly about me only. I wanted to finish close to 4h30, well under 5hours. I did not reach that goal and I am disapointed. Did I not finish in a decent time understanding that I was in pain early on and sad to have missed my mother at mile 8? Yes, but as i never take it easy on myself, I am disapointed.

As some of you might know, I decided not to commit to any races before today. Monday has come and here are the options:

- run the paris marathon - april 2010 (start of training dec 1st)

- sign up for a triathlon in april/may

- sign up to climb a mountain (i thought that was a fun new idea)

- sign up for one half marathon every 2 months until I reach a decent time (this last part is tricky)

- sign up for the chicago marathon (oct 2010)

No decisions yet made. I might sleep on it a couple more nights...

On the "am i a runner" topic. I was running in Miami this weekend and took a look at the other runners. Their shoes, t-shirts, shorts, speed....I guess I feel more of a runner than those people. But I also feel that my casual pace does not put me in the "serious" runner category. This bodes the question, what really a makes a runner? Someone that runs often? someone that runs long distances? someone that runs fast?

Keep on following my running adventures, they are not over yet :-)


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My first marathon or how I am really still not a runner!

Hi everyone (or no one!!),

We are now Tuesday November 3rd, two days after the marathon - for those I haven't talked to, here is the recap. Before that. A HUGE thanks to all those that donated. I could not have done it without you :-)

Saturday was a big day (day before marathon day). I met up with my parents at tavern on the green. My dad had flown in at that point from France to cheer me on with my mom. All 6 firls were there: Heather (my running buddy), Katrina, June, Farzana and Meagan. Mom and Meagan's mom starting some serious bonding. I could already see some serious BFF behavior emerging, as I listend to "it's not about us today/this weekend, it's about them" (now that's what I like to hear!!).

Stress was palpable, even though the cute french firemen sort of distracted me for a little bit. We recognized the biggest donators, one of them reaching some $80,000. AMAZING! How many kids we have helped this season! One of them had been there the night before at our little rally. It was great to see what we could do. He said, running gave him confidence in himself, better grades because if he didn't make them he would be kicked out of the team and a healthy lifestyle.

On a side note, I haven't really mentioned this throughout this experience but the entire Team for Kids team has been amazing. I talk a lot about Sid. Asteria has been amazing as well. All other coaches, Frank, Glen, Michael, Erik and Brian have been Great. Zakia and Gail, behind the scenes have always been so very helpful. The reason I mention this is on saturday came over to our table at breakfast and she was glowing, excited and jittery like a kid. I was a face of stress and she was just so excited for us, for the lifechanging experience we were less than 12 hours away. It made me smile and boosted me, at least for a little bit.

All this taper madness had not prepared me for the level of stress I was experiencing at this point. I decided to leave with my parents. Unfortunately, I was so stressed out, that even my parents left to go shopping after a couple minutes. That's ok, I was welcoming a little alone time. I called Heather up to get our 1-2miles and stretch in. We ended up just walking, chatting and stretching.

When I returned, my parents arrived back to my house. Oh did I put them to work!! Mom was in charge of printing the letters on my singlet. Dad was filling gatorade bottles. Mom then sewed on some flags. I prepared my bag, outside, layed it out. Once they felt that I was calmer and stopped giving them more to do (lol!!), they left again. I fell asleep at that point. I was just so tired from getting up early for breakfast, from the excitement and most especially i guess from the stress!!

I met up with Farzana and her husband Nabeel, Meagan and her mom and finally my parents for some pasta. You should have seen us, sprinkling insane quantities of salt on that pasta. At one point, we were the only ones still eating while our familt stared at the amount of food going into our bodies!! It was perfect to be with those girls. I was still nervous and they calmed me, not necessarily by words, but by being there!

Time for some sleep and oh did I sleep!!! I slept like a baby that night!! I did get up at 4AM vs 5AM, but after verifying that I was up too early, I went back to sleep for another hour :-)

When it was finally time to get up, I was out the house in no time, having had everything nice and ready before I left. Heather and I headed over together. We weren't on the same bus, but I ended up being on the same bus as Farzana, Meagan and June. And coach sid!!! That coach just calmes me!! Maybe it's because he's 72 years old and still an amazing athlete. Or maybe because regardless that I am a just below 5hour marathon runner, he still talks to me as a runner (which I am still now!). It was also the PARTY bus with the entire team for padron gang. It was fun to hear them go nuts in the back. I wasn't feeling the "fun" at that point. I just wanted to zone out on my own. I did NOT expect the trip to take the 1h30 it took!!! Our bus had a police escort - that's always a really nice perk!!!

All 6 girls found each other and just chilled until it was time to head to our corrales. We were going to run this together, that was the objective!

Wave 1 and Wave 2 came and went. tic tac tic tac. No food could go into my body. I needed to pee really bad. My stomach was a mess. Stress was paramount. We all tried different things to distract ourselves - we took a lot of picture (I've got my pose DONE!), listening to music, walkin around...

Wave 3 was called. The floor was totally muddy which meant that our feet were sort of cold. but it was also meant that we didn't do ground stretching. One last hug to sid and asteria and we were off to the corales. Oh my god what a mess that was! We heard the pistole go off for wave 3 and we weren't even CLOSE to the bridge! there were so many people and it was so disorganized! Off we started on the bridge with our shoe laces tied and not going too fast. Heather and I stuck together. After mile 4 June and Katrine were def. going much faster than us, so Heather and I took back. Farzana and Meagan were also ahead. i wanted to still have stamina at the end so we let them go ahead. I got cheered on immediately and it's really amazing having people scream your name. You don't realize it until you are there!!

By mile 5 heather and I were counting down to see my mom. Mile 8 came and went and we didn't see my mom. A HUGE cloud came over me and as anticipated my IT band started hurting then. I was on a down spirale. We then stopped for at least 2 min for a toilet stop for Heather. I welcomed it, but it was hard to start over again. We ran through williamsburg and brooklyn with loads of cherring. people on the street were amazing. they helped a lot. i loved too the stores in BK :-) Heather and I will be back for some serious shopping!!!

Mile 14 came and I was so nervous to see my friends. From mile 8 to 14 we kept a really good steady 10:15 pace and under. I first heard my name loud, then turned and saw Eglantine and her beautiful smile. then Marie-Mona. I swinged right to go meet them. I must have hit eglantine really hard because I went right into her full speed! I whispered a "thank you" and was off with Heather. no photo op time, just time to be happy. i was almost crying. I think they carried me through the Queensboro brigde, which we crossed just after we saw them. Unfortunately, we then stopped again right after for the bathroom. My knee was really hurting then. I HATED 1st avenue. I really tried to be happy and excited about seeing my dad on 72nd street, but I guess I was expecting him not to be there, like my mom. Each stop I would massage my knee and IT band, but no help. I did see my dad with the huge sign my mom had done. i was happy to see him. Again a lot of emotions overwhelmed me.

We the continued up 1sdt ave. Heather was supposed to see her friend Steve, but missed him. You cannot imagine how HARD that is for the runners. You expect, you anticipate and then are disapointed. That being said, I then heard my name. I turned and saw my cousin and all our friends. i had forgotten they would be there!!! I was so happy to see them. Just a stop for a hug and I was off again. I couldn't even remember who all was there. but I was happy. It didn't help with the pain somehow, the negative spirale was there. i did not trust myself. I doubted my total strength. My garmin super GPS watch was also TOTALLY off and that made me completely confused. i think it stopped somewhere after I saw the girls on 14th street. It was telling me I was running 30min/mile!

Hiking up 1st avenue, i think we were running 11min/mile. Heather wanted to speed up, but I couldn't do it. We then reached the Bronx. We were amazing on the bridges, passing people and feeling great. Those were ipod times, to make sure we stayed focused! Queensboro bridge was the last time i took pictures. i wanted to enjoy the rest.

In the bronx I saw eglantine, marie and Danika! It was so nice to see them again. I red the signs they made, Gave a hug and continued along :) I somehow missed Lauren as she was right after them, but we continued along. We ere then seeig the same people, a lot of team for kids. Some people I knew, a lot I didn't. Every time i saw someone walking, I would tell them "you're doing great" and they would start running again. I don't know them, they don't know me but my words help me and it helps them as well.

I was in total pain and not feeling it at all. At that point the watch was working and were going SLOW. I was annoyed. I know I said i wanted to finish under 5 hours, but I was now way past 4h30 and i was scared i was going to be over 5 hours. I was mad at myself for being in pain, mad at myself for not being faster, mad at myself all in all. Heather looked even worse and that sort of distracted me. We plowed through 5th ave with ipods on. I needed focus. I know the crowds were cheering, but i needed to focus on not wanting to quit. God that 5th avenue is one bitch HILL! I hated it. There were some really good signs though and they were so welcomed!!

On 90th street, we came into the park. I felt AMAZING at this point. I started going faster. but then slowed down. I was excited about finishing this race with Heather, not by speeding the last 3 miles and finishing without her. somehow that was more important then. we stupidly slowed down for water and that was a BAD idea. it was hell to start up again. some friends were supposed to be on 5th ave so i hug the left. i tuend off the ipod as i turned onto 5th ave and that curb - all these eyes were looking at us. no noise. I thought for a second, i had made a mistake stopping the ipod. but then we started on the left on 5th. all the crowds there were amazing "go heather, go emily! you are looking great". i was so happy. i was in total pain, but it was good. we got back into the park. heather saw her family and friends and started crying. "stop crying, you'll look horrible in the pictures!" i told her. as I hugged the right side where my parents got bleecher tickets I heard my mom yell, i mean, scream to the top of her lung my name. I turned, looked at her, smiled and then sprinted. for those that know me, i loooooove those sprints. they keep me going during the runs. this one was AMAZING. my legs were flying, as i wizzed through everyone, zigzagging through everyone in front of me. I finished with my hands raised high! Smile for the finish line picture!!!

Ok - conclusion? 4:48:16

I am still disapointed with that time. disapointed in me for not having done better. i know that's horrible, but in a week i won't care anymore i am sure, as Eglantine said.

one last time - one HUGE thanks to family, friends, colleagues, donators for your support.

I am now only wearing my medal as decoration :-)

Now that I have done this, what next? send along ideas :-)
